Practical Spiritual Mentor | Psychic | Light Worker

Why do I do this work? Why is it needed in the world?

All of my life I’ve felt the call to offer clarity and to relieve suffering. Our current reality seems so murky and harsh, and the need for clarity and gentleness desperate. Shame and other traumas are often the culprits that keep us from seeing ourselves and others clearly and without judgement, and are the cause of continued suffering in our lives. We all need a safe, effective way to explore our icky depths (talk therapy is important but just ain’t enough, people), without fear of judgment, so we can transcend our suffering and live a free life. I love creating a container of directed focus —not of criticism or judgement, but observation and acceptance — for those who are ready to see clearly and let their lives level up!

About me

I spent years working with teachers, receiving energy work, meditating, facing my fears, and coping with family mental illness. It wasn’t until I started seeing myself and others more clearly, and ceasing to contribute to toxic situations, that I began to see big changes. Eventually my Kundalini awakened … slowly, on its own, and without me consciously even being on that path! What a beautiful and challenging time. To my surprise, however, my constant suffering was not alleviated with Awakening because I had yet to work directly with my nervous system. I had no idea how important this was. Within a year of treating my trauma brain (PTSD responds verrry slowly to energy work and meditation) with Brainspotting and Quantum Neuro Reset Therapy (QNRT), the major suffering was GONE. Now I’m able to consistently feel connected to the goodness of life, even when life feels like a struggle. Now it just feels like life, the way it’s supposed to feel: like a wonderful adventure, with ups and downs that no longer stick and weigh me down.

I’ve been a practical spiritual mentor, facilitator, psychic and energy worker for over 25 years, currently based in Oregon (Ashland and Portland). I have 16 years of clinical experience in chiropractic, including 10 years of craniosacral therapy. I have also been a QNRT practitioner for the last 3 years. I bring to my sessions the clarity of Awakened wisdom, compassion, and insight, as well as extremely refined energy work. (Keep scrolling for more professional details, and visit

Raina has been integral to my spiritual path. I have learned so much from her about energetic work and have truly been able to learn and access deeper parts of myself and the universe due to the meditation and work she has instructed me in. Her meditations are a powerful mix of instruction and body movement that prime the mind for deep calm.  I cannot recommend Raina more highly as a spiritual teacher.”
— Arwen


  • QNRT (Quantum Neuro Reset Therapy, a brain treatment for emotional trauma), Advanced Practitioner, 2021 - present

  • Mentorship with an Awakened Light Work Master, 2011-2018

  • Craniosacral Therapy Certification, 2013

  • Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification, 2008

  • Doctorate of Chiropractic from the University of Western States, Cum Laude 2008

  • Reiki Master, Usui Lineage, 2003

  • Wisdom teachings and intuitive/dreamwalk training with elders of various traditions,

  • Raptor Biology Masters Program (unfinished), Boise State University, 1996-2000

  • B.S. in Zoology, University of California Davis, 1993

  • Self-study of consciousness, quantum healing, and dreamwalking, Forever